Un evento

Organic Gardening and Green Infrastructure in Urban and Peri-urban Areas

ECOPLANTMED Project Dissemination Event
November 19, 2015
Botanical Garden of Valencia

Organic gardening can be a key modality for promoting biodiversity and the use of native plants in urban and peri-urban areas, saving resources and creating suitable spaces to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants. It is based on the principles of biodiversity conservation, sustainability, social integration and energy saving. When applied to the management of green areas and natural spaces, it allows, through a consciousness change, the recovery and promotion of culture and landscape garden as interconnected living spaces.

Objectives of the event:
- to  explain the benefits of using native plants in gardening and encourage their production
- to describe the tools and knowledge needed to create and maintain green spaces with sustainable and ecological criteria
- to consolidate the Green Infrastructure as a network of natural spaces

See the agenda of the event here (in Spanish and Valencian).

Date Published:
Nov 12, 2015

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